Call for pilot projects
RESISTIRÉ is funding pilot projects to reduce the gender+ inequalities due to the Covid pandemic in two domains: Education and Gender-based Violence.
RESILIENT TOGETHER – we will survive secondary trauma
RESISTIRÉ supports pilot projects creating a Community of Practice for people working with gender-based violence survivors.
Engaging with Gender-based violence Through Sports
RESISTIRÉ is funding a pilot project to set up a programme of activities implemented through sport and contributing towards raising awareness and increasing prevention of GBV among young people, coaches and managers.
CARE FAIR – a school-based wellbeing event
RESISTIRÉ supports pilot projects implementing a “Care Fair”, to share information about wellbeing and access to help for young people.
INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS – a toolbox to engage ALL parents and guardians in dialogue
RESISTIRÉ supports pilot projects developing a Toolbox for secondary schools to engage parents/guardians.
RESISTIRÉ is a 30-month project funded by EU Horizon 2020, designed to better understand and mitigate gender and other inequalities caused by policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. After collecting and analysing policy responses and related data from a gender+ perspective, the project has worked to translate them into operational insights and co-created solutions, to mitigate the negative and unequal impacts of emergency policies.
These insights were produced through a co-creation phase consisting of an action-oriented analysis carried out by researchers and civil society stakeholders who worked together in “Opens Studios”, a means to design policies and innovative solutions in a participatory way. During these thematic workshops, participants depicted possible improved scenarios to current social situations analysed in a first stage. These “Better stories“, pathways for improved social situations, form a basis for developing concrete actions, namely through a set of pilot projects.