On 20 and 21 June, RESISTIRÉ organised its Final Conference “Towards Inclusive Crisis Responses” to share the project results and reflect on the recommendations developed during 30 months of research activities. The conference, held in Brussels and streamed on Zoom, gathered international experts, policymakers, activists, and representatives of NGOs, pilot projects and sister projects. Let’s look back on this inspiring 1.5 day event!
SESSION 1: Opening of RESISTIRÉ’s Final Conference, presentation of the project and keynote speech

Colette Schrodi, RESISTIRÉ Communication Officer, and Emmanouil Detsis, RESISTIRÉ Coordinator, European Science Foundation
Oriane Gilloz, Policy Officer at the Gender Sector at European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD)
Alain Denis, lead for developing RESISTIRÉ Open Studios, Yellow Window
Sofia Strid, RESISTIRÉ Scientific Coordinator, University of Gothenburg
Opening keynote speech
madeleine kennedy-macfoy: Executive Director of Gender at Work and Co-Editor of the European Journal of Women’s Studies

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SESSION 2: Better stories of responding to gender-based violence in the pandemic: Feminist solidarity in times of crisis
Moderator: Ayşe Gül Altinay, Sabanci University
Conclusions from RESISTIRÉ’s findings: María López Belloso, University of Deusto
Innovative Pilot Solutions, Engaging with gender-based violence through sports:
- Atina NGO, Serbia, presented by Zorana Parezanovic, Social Worker and Activist
- Altis, Greece, presented by Pinar Ensari, Sabanci University
Round-table discussion:
- Biljana Branković, International Council of Europe Consultant, Member of GREVIO
- Aslıhan Tekin, Legal and Policy Adviser – EU Representative of Women’s Coalition Turkey
- Elena Laporta Hernández, Lawyer and advisor of a Member of the European Parliament in the FEMM Committee.
- María López Belloso, University of Deusto
- Pinar Ensari, Sabanci University
- Zorana Parezanovic, Social Worker and Activist, Atina NGO

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The Open Studio Approach
Moderator: Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Örebro University
Panellists: Nazli Turker, Sabanci University; Aart Kerremans, Yellow Window; Alicja Bobek, Technical University of Dublin; Lina Sandström, Örebro University
The book is introduced by Claudia Aglietti and Elena Ghidoni before the whole editorial team joins them on stage.
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SESSION 3: Beyond connection: caring for an inclusive digital transition
Moderator: Charoula Tzanakou, Oxford Brookes University
Conclusions from RESISTIRÉ’s research: Roberto Cibin, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Innovative Solutions:
- Paradigm, presented by Tania Maamary
- Widzialna Ręka / Visible Hand mutual aid group, presented by Jakub Możaryn
- Sergio Pérez Barranco, Project Officer, European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
- Christian Morabito, International Expert and Senior Researcher, Save the Children Italy
- Tania Maamary, Paradigm, Digital Inclusion Coordinator for the Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium
- Jakub Możaryn – Moderator of the Widzialna Ręka / Visible Hand mutual aid group, Poland

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SESSION 4: Bringing back care to healthcare

Moderation: Agnieszka Kolasińska, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Conclusions from RESISTIRÉ’s research: Federica Rossetti, Sciensano
Innovative Pilot Solutions:
- Green spaces as eco-systems of care: Clément Rames (aquí)
- Care Fair: Aneta Brunerová (Nevypusť duši)
Panel discussion:
- Hanna Haveri, Specialist in neurology with competence in eHealth and planetary health physician at Päijät-Häme Joint Authority for Health and Wellbeing.
- Caroline Costongs, Director of EuroHealthNet
- Anke Witteveen, Clinical Psychology Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
- Anna Szczegielniak, Psychiatry specialist, researcher and clinician at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
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Presentations from sister projects & impressions from pilot projects
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SESSION 5: Policy support for inclusive crisis responses
Moderator: Marcela Linková, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Conclusions from RESISTIRÉ’s research: Vanda Černohorská, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Magdalena Sapała, Policy Analyst, Next Generation EU Monitoring Service (NEXT), Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services
Katarzyna Szkuta, EU and International Affairs Advisor to the junior Minister for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities & Diversity, Belgian Federal Government.
- Arnold de Boer, Policy Officer at the Secretariat General of the European Commission and Representative of the RECOVER Task Force

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closing keynote speech: looking towards the future

Mieke Verloo: Professor of Comparative Politics and Inequality Issues, Radboud University, Netherlands
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Special thanks to Joyce from Visuality for creating the visuals summarising each session!