


Book of Narratives: (Better) Stories from the Pandemic

Aglietti, C., Delaney, C., Ensari, P., Ghidoni, E., Harroche, A., Still, A., & Türker, N. (2023). Örebro University Press.


Pandeminin (Daha İyi) Hikayeleri

Aglietti, C., Delaney, C., Ensari, P., Ghidoni, E., Harroche, A., Still, A., & Türker, N. (2023). Pandeminin (Daha) İyi Hikayeleri. (Trans. Ensari, P., Türker, N., Selici, B. & Altınay, A). Örebro University Press. 

Scientific publications

Better stories for a gender equal and fairer social recovery from outbreaks: learnings from the RESISTIRÉ project

Sofia Strid, Colette Schrodi & Roberto Cibin (2022) Better stories for a gender equal and fairer social recovery from outbreaks: learnings from the RESISTIRÉ project, Gender & Development, 30:1-2, 265-281, DOI: 10.1080/13552074.2022.2071992

Bobek, A., Clavero, S., Gavigan, S., & Ryan, M. (2023). COVID-19 Pandemic in Ireland and the Gendered Division of Care Work: The Impact of the Pandemic on Childcare Policy, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 2023;, jxad011,

López Belloso, M., & Strid, S. (2023). Navigating the pandemic: Gendered perspectives on vulnerability, resilience and institutional change in times of crisis. Papers, 108(3), e3243.

Callerstig, A-C., & Strid, S. (2023). Gender mainstreaming in times of crisis: Missed opportunities in pandemic policymaking. Papers, 108(3), e3174.

Tarragona, L., & Ghidoni, E. (2023). Essential and forgotten. Domestic work and the impact of policy responses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain and Italy. Papers, 108(3), e3169.

González Goya, E., Izaguirre Choperena, A., & Arrieta Frutos, F. (2023). Vulnerabilidades ante la crisis sanitaria: incidencia del COVID-19 en los procesos educativos de niñas y adolescentes en situación de desamparo. Papers, 108(3), e3165.

Aristegui Fradua, I., Beloki Marañón, U., & Silvestre Cabrera, M. ( 2023). La asunción moral del cuidado de los progenitores: ¿una cuestión de género? Papers, 108(3), e3170.

Nyklová, B., Moree, D., & Maufras Černohorská, V. (2022). Ignorance as a factor in the irregular regulation of domestic violence against women in the mirror of the covid-19 pandemic. Sociological journal / Czech Sociological Review, 58(5), 533-562. doi: 10.13060/csr.2022.034

Černohorská, V., Očenášová, Z., & Kende, A. (2023). The COVID-19 pandemic and gender+ inequalities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia: The heteronormativity of anti-pandemic measures and their impact on vulnerable groups. Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research, 24(1):114-134.

Journal Special Issue edited by RESISTIRÉ:

Lopéz Belloso, M. & Strid, S. (eds.) (2023). Covid, crisis and public policy: Analysis of the impact of the pandemic and social policies implemented on gendered inequalities. Special issue of Papers. Revista de Sociologia, 108(3).

Strid, S., & Denis, A., (2024). Using design-thinking approaches to diversify and co-create solutions to wicked problems with multiple stakeholders. In Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. SAGE Publications, Ltd.,

Strid, S., & Denis, A., (2024). Open studios: using better stories and personas to develop inclusive solutions to reduce inequalities. In Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. SAGE Publications, Ltd.,

Other publications

Kolasinska, A. (2023). Translating research findings into operational tools in the context of a crisis: the RESISTIRÉ approach. Gender and Research, 24(1), 191-195.


Belloso, M (2023). “Inclusión y diversidad en la gestión de crisis: lecciones de la covid-19”. The Conversation.


S. (2021). ”Kvinnor glömdes bort under pandemin”. Dagens Arena, 9 November 2021.