Factsheet 7: Improving national responses to gender-based violence
Lessons from the pandemic crisis
SUMMARY: Emerging global and national data show increases in gender-based violence and increases in the reported number of cases of gender-based violence against women and LGBTQI persons during the COVID-19 pandemic. RESISTIRÉ analysis shows that a majority of countries failed to address issues of gender-based violence in their COVID-19 policy response and while civil society organisations managed to react in some instances, the pandemic also put pressure and circumscribed their range of activities.
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Develop multi-sectoral collaboration and intersectional coalitions
Access to support services for specific groups of victims have been made more difficult during the pandemic, in particular for migrant women, homeless and women living in refugee camps.
End the data gap to make informed decisions
There is a lack of adequate and comparable data related to GBV during and after the lockdown.
Strengthen support services in times of emergency
Results from RESISTIRÉ showed that one key challenge that emerged during the pandemic was the difficulty in reconciling continuity and quality of services.
GBV and ICTs
One of the consequences of the pandemic has been the increased use of technology (telephone, video calls, chats, etc.) to provide long-distance support to victims of violence.
GBV and public spaces
The pandemic and related policies such as lockdown and curfew have changed the ways in which GBV takes shape.