RESISTIRÉ online survey
The survey is now closed. Thank you all for participating!
Click here to view initial data gathered from survey responses.
The RESISTIRÉ team has developed an online survey to study people’s attitudes and experiences relating to the pandemic.
The objective of the RESISTIRÉ survey is to help measure and monitor the economic, social and environmental impacts of the crisis and the COVID-19 policies introduced by governments in Europe to improve the responses to future crises.
The survey, developed jointly by researchers from the Institute for Ethical AI and the Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice at Oxford Brookes University, is available in 14 languages and any adult residing in the EU27, UK, Turkey, Serbia, and Iceland can participate.
Why participate in this survey?
Your survey responses will help capture different experiences of the pandemic and increase knowledge and understanding of problems and inequalities arising from it, as well as help us find better ways to address future crises, including through the development of policy.
How does it work?
Before starting the survey you will be asked to indicate your consent to take part in the study, followed by some general background questions to help us learn a bit more about you and understand how different groups have been impacted by the pandemic. This will take no more than 5 minutes. You will then be able to answer questions on various topics relating to your experiences during the pandemic. Questions on each topic should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. You will have the option to receive occasional alerts when we have new surveys to complete. These follow-up questions will allow us to focus on and develop deeper understanding of topics of increasing importance over the course of the pandemic recovery. Participation can be withdrawn at any time in the survey.

What kind of questions are asked?
The survey investigates how the pandemic has impacted areas where inequalities are often found, such as:
- Work and labour market
- Pay and pensions
- Care
Examples of questions asked include:
‘Compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic, did you have sufficient access to childcare facilities during school/nursery closures?’
‘Did you work from home at any time during the COVID-19 pandemic ?’
The survey is now closed. Thank you all for participating!
Click here to view initial data gathered from survey responses.
What are the expected outcomes?
Findings from the RESISTIRÉ survey will be shared through reports and data visualisations showing how people in different European countries have been affected by the pandemic. Our hope is that this survey contributes towards developing future policies with the aim of reducing inequalities arising from crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click here to view some initial survey data!