Welcome to the RESISTIRÉ project
Reducing gendered inequalities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
RESISTIRÉ (RESpondIng to outbreakS through co-creaTIve inclusive equality stRatEgies) analyses the impact of COVID-19 policies on gendered inequalities.
The project ended in September 2023 after 30 months of research activities, having published multiple research reports, scientific publications, research agendas, innovative solutions and pilot actions to foster a fairer social recovery.
RESISTIRÉ has also produced a set of factsheets to support policymakers, advisers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the effects of Covid-19 policy responses on gender equality, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects.
Insights per country
What policy responses have European states developed to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic? What are the Better Stories developed by NGOs, local governments, employers, or citizens to alleviate Covid-19’s impacts?
Discover a selection of the data collected so far for each country! You can also read the full reports.