To alleviate the impacts of COVID-19 policies, many initiatives have been developed by civil society organisations – NGOs, local governments, or citizens. A team of national researchers from the RESISTIRÉ project has collected and highlighted a set of particularly relevant initiatives in 27 European countries and in Iceland, Serbia, the United Kingdom and Turkey. These Better Stories cover eight specific domains: gender-based violence, the labour market, the economy, gender-pay and pension gaps, gender care gaps, decision-making and politics, environmental justice, human and fundamental rights.

This Better Story was collected by María López Belloso and Elena Ghidoni



Building a spirit of solidarity

Led by the cooperative Options, the campaign was launched during the pandemic crisis to promote solidarity and inclusivity. Its primary focus was to support vulnerable groups while also advocating for local and ecological agriculture, responsible consumption, and social enterprises.

Celebrating sustainable choices

The organization’s goals were:

  • Practical Guidance: The campaign aimed to provide practical information and resources, offering people clear alternatives and insights into responsible consumption.
  • Economic Benefits: Through partnerships and collaborations, the campaign aimed to offer economic advantages to participants.
  • Smooth Transitions: Recognizing that change can be challenging, the organization worked to simplify the process. It provided assistance and arrangements to make adopting responsible consumption practices easy and hassle-free.


Image by aleksandarlittlewolf from Freepik

Find out more about the initiative