RESISTIRÉ’S BRUNCH SERIES: Webinar #1 on gender-based violence

Mar 2, 2022 | Events, Project news


Involving civil society in the promotion of RESISTIRÉ’s recommendations


Concluding its first research cycle, the RESISTIRÉ project delivered a set of 8 factsheets to support policymakers, advisers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the social, economic, political, and environmental effects of Covid-19 policy responses on gender equality, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects. These recommendations can also serve to safeguard against the societal impacts of future crises. 

To discuss these recommendations with civil society and involve the interested representatives in the advocacy process, we are organising a series of seminars that will introduce the fact sheets and will give civil society organisations the opportunity to share their experiences and ask their questions to our team.


Webinar #1: Improving national responses to gender-based violence


Lockdown and confinement measures increased inequalities related to gender-based violence and made the tools to combat GVB more difficult to access. The notion of home as a place of safety, which forms the basis for policy on isolation and/or confinement in the home, was problematized since it neglects and worsens the situation of victims/survivors of multiple forms of gender-based violence in the home. Women by far have been the most disproportionately affected group in the context of gender-based violence, in particular, women living with perpetrators; women in trafficking or prostitution; and undocumented migrant women. Similarly, LGBTIQ+ youth and adults face widespread gender-based and phobic violence at home and outside. 

In this webinar we discuss how the RESISTIRÉ project, through its factsheet 7 based on research findings and the collaboration with relevant stakeholders, proposes to tackle these issues. Representatives of Civil Society Organisations share their stories regarding promising practices and main obstacles during the pandemic.

Marcela Linková, head of the Centre for Gender and Science at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Maria López Belloso, lecturer and researcher at the Social and Human Sciences Faculty at the University of Deusto, introduce the topic and moderate the event.


Webinar agenda

11:30 Welcome and introduction to RESISTIRÉ, the webinar and its objectives 

11:35 Greetings from Izaskun Landaida, head of Emakunde – Emakumearen Euskal Institutua (The Basque Institute for Women – Basque Country, Spain)  

11:40 Introduction of the factsheet and recommendations 

11:55 Panel with representatives of civil society organisations. Participants: 

12:25 Reflection on the recommendations by invited civil society organisations 

12:45 Discussion: Tips for working with the recommendations by the CSOs 

13:00 Final remarks and conclusion