Reimagining the Open Studio methodology through Open Studios
As RESISTIRÉ is coming to an end, partners gathered in Istanbul last week to reimagine the Open Studios, a core part of the project’s methodology. They were joined by external participants of previous Open Studios. What are Open Studios? In RESISTIRÉ, Open Studios...
Krizlerle Yaratıcı Mücadelenin Daha İyi Hikayeleri: RESISTIRÉ BULGULARI
Krizlerle Yaratıcı Mücadelenin Daha İyi Hikayeleri 22 Eylül 2023 İstanbul & Zoom Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi The Seed Konferans boyunca Türkçe-İngilizce çeviri sağlanacaktır. Horizon 2020 RESISTIRÉ Projesi, krizlerin yarattığı ve/ya...
Better Stories of Creative Crisis Response: RESISTIRÉ’s conference on 22 September
This one-day conference in Istanbul will highlight RESISTIRÉ findings on creative crisis responses followed by two dedicated sessions on RESISTIRÉ recommendations.

“Right(s) now!”: RESISTIRÉ releases a game to protect older people’s rights
Older people’s rights are regularly undermined and that has been exacerbated during the Covid-19 pandemic. Safeguarding their rights and dignity is essential. The self-determination and autonomy of older people should be ensured everywhere (in care, on the...
WEBINAR: Lessons from the pandemic for future research on health inequalities – The importance of an intersectional lens
RESISTIRÉ Research Agenda Online Webinar: Lessons from the pandemic for future research on health inequalities: The importance of an intersectional lens
on 25 September 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 CET

RESISTIRÉ to participate in the Promoting Pandemic Preparedness conference
Promoting pandemic preparedness: health and policy responses to protect wellbeing and address social inequalities Date: Thursday, 7 September 2023 Location: University Foundation, Rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels, Belgium RESISTIRÉ partner Claudia Aglietti...
RESISTIRÉ’s Final Conference: looking back on the 1.5 day event
On 20 and 21 June, RESISTIRÉ organised its Final Conference “Towards Inclusive Crisis Responses” to share the project results and reflect on the recommendations developed during the 2+ years of research activities. The conference, held in Brussels and streamed on Zoom, gathered international experts, policymakers, activists, and representatives of NGOs, pilot projects and sister projects. Let’s look back on this inspiring 1.5 day event!

“(Better) stories From the Pandemic” is a book collecting 80 stories, 80 interviews with people who shared their experiences during the pandemic, experiences that speak about gender and intersecting inequalities. During Resistiré we have collected almost 800...
RESISTIRÉ’s participation at the HERoS Final Conference
RESISTIRÉ partner Adam Brandstetter-Kunc presented the project’s key findings at the final stakeholder conference organised by HERoS on 25 May 2023 in Gdansk, Poland. RESISTIRÉ’s framework and methodology were introduced before showcasing examples of...
New Commission Expert Group report: COVID-19 impact on gender equality in R&I
The new Commission Expert Group just published its first report, which investigates the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and the pandemic containment measures put in place at institutional, national and EU level on gender equality in the EU R&I system.

Green spaces as ‘Ecosystems of Care’: Looking back on two pilot projects
How can we make green spaces more inclusive? Two pilot projects funded by RESISTIRÉ aimed to transform green spaces into Ecosystems of Care.