Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a growing number of studies are showing the negative impact that the crisis and the socio-economic lockdown have had on women researchers’ careers and productivity. This risks setting back the progress that has been made on gender equality in the European Research Area in the past years and widening existing gender gaps in research careers and decision-making positions. Still little is known on the long-term impact of the pandemic and its gendered consequences in areas such as career progress, publications, precarious working conditions, as well as recognition and visibility of women researchers’ achievements.
The new Commission Expert Group on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender equality in research and innovation, which kicked off in March 2022, will investigate this phenomenon and develop policy recommendations to mitigate any negative consequences and strengthen gender equality in R&I in the post-Covid recovery.
The Expert Group is composed of 12 members, including RESISTIRÉ partner María López Belloso.
The impact of the crisis resulting from the COVID 19 pandemic on higher education and research institutions has been diverse. Initial research already points to the individual impact on women academics, but it is necessary to analyse the impact that the pandemic has had on the equality policies and agendas of universities, on work-life balance and on new forms of work, such as telework.
María López Belloso

The Expert Group’s report will focus on the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and the pandemic containment measures put in place at institutional, national and EU level, on the work and productivity of women researchers and on gender equality in the EU R&I system in general. It will be available at the beginning of 2023.