RESISTIRÉ’s new call for pilot projects is now open

Jun 3, 2022 | Blog, News, Project news

RESISTIRÉ is making a difference! We’re funding a selection of pilot projects to reduce the gender+ inequalities due to the Covid pandemic in two domains: Education and Gender-based Violence.



CARE FAIR – a school-based wellbeing event

RESISTIRÉ will support projects implementing a “Care Fair”, to share information about wellbeing and access to help for young people.
Deadline for applications: 4 July 2022, 5pm CET.

INCLUSIVE SCHOOLS – a toolbox to engage ALL parents and guardians in dialogue

RESISTIRÉ will support pilot projects developing a Toolbox for secondary schools to engage parents/guardians.
Deadline for applications: 4 July 2022, 5pm CET.




RESILIENT TOGETHER – we will survive secondary trauma

RESISTIRÉ supports pilot projects creating a Community of Practice for people working with gender-based violence survivors.
Deadline for applications: 29 July 2022, 5pm CET.


RESISTIRÉ is funding a pilot project to set up a programme of activities implemented through sport and contributing towards raising awareness and increasing prevention of GBV among young people, coaches and managers.

Deadline for applications: 29 July 2022, 5pm CET.