How have the policy responses to Covid-19 increased gender inequalities? What can policymakers, employers or even civil society organisations do to mitigate the impact of outbreak policies?
Following its second research cycle, RESISTIRÉ is releasing a new set of 6 factsheets to support policymakers, advisers, employers, and civil society organisations in understanding the social, economic, political, and environmental effects of Covid-19 policy responses on gender equality, and to suggest practical recommendations to mitigate these effects. These recommendations can also serve to safeguard against the societal impacts of future crises.
Recommendations issued from this second research cycle focus on crisis management, national recovery and resilience plans, gender-based violence, digital violence, and education.

Crisis Management for All
Why an Inclusive, Multi-Actor Crisis Management is needed

Gender-Based Violence
during Crises
Risk Assessment, Prevention and Effective Response

Creating safe digital spaces
Highlighting corporate responsibility and preventing digital violence

Developing Resilient Education Systems
For a balance between online and conventional education, ensuring that no one is left behind

The Missing Perspectives of Women in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans
Tackling gender inequalities within emergency policy responses and ensuring monitoring