Research Agendas from Cycle 1: identifying knowledge gaps and future research needs

Jan 7, 2022 | Project news

The aim of RESISTIRÉ is to understand the social, economic, political, and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak and its policy responses on existing inequalities and to work towards individual and societal resilience. At the end of its first cycle, RESISTIRÉ identified knowledge gaps and research needs now available in the project’s research agenda.


Why a research agenda?

Part of the design of the RESISTIRÉ project is to take into account that doing research does not only involve finding solutions, but also identifying unanswered questions. Conscious that the project can never cover all the research needs linked to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated policies on inequalities, the project identifies research needs and develops a research agenda for those that cannot be covered within the project. 

At the end of the first cycle, knowledge gaps and future research needs were identified in four domains: Care, Work & Pay, Human Rights and Health and Gender-based Violence. Research needs that can be covered by the project are integrated in the next research cycle.

The development of research agendas and their dissemination contribute to the project’s objective of identifying knowledge gaps on how inequalities play out and develop during outbreak periods as well as how gender+ inequality groups may be impacted by policy. 


Inequalities in the Spotlight:
Research Agendas to Address the Impact of COVID-19

1st February 2022, 15:00-16:30h CET


To find out more about these four research agendas, join our webinar on 1st February 2022. After a presentation of each of the research agendas, you will have the opportunity to question our team of experts.