Transforming Lives and Homes

Transforming Lives and Homes

Compagnons Bâtisseurs Haut de France is a regional Community Service Organization (CSO) based in northern France and is an integral part of a national network. Their core mission is to support vulnerable families in improving their housing conditions, utilizing a unique approach that involves teaching families building and decoration techniques while actively involving them in the improvement process. The CSO primarily focuses on assisting single-parent families, often of migrant origin, and operates through workshops conducted either on-site or within the beneficiaries’ homes. By enabling the community to renovate their houses, the organization empowers families to regain confidence and autonomy, providing them with access to a healthy and safe home. The initiative encompasses multiple objectives, including:

Transat’s impact during lockdown

Transat’s impact during lockdown

Today, transgender as a gender identity remains unfamiliar to the public, leaving trans individuals vulnerable to daily transphobic prejudice. These biases often hinder or obstruct crucial transition procedures, such as legal status changes and medical treatments, which are vital for people’s well-being. In response, Transat’s works towards raising public awareness about transgender challenges, offering support to the most vulnerable, and actively defending their rights.