Long live the girls! Providing support for homeless women
A local organisation with a wide range of activities
In Hungary, the Budapest Bike Maffia has been paying close attention over the years to the situation of women who are homeless.
A local organisation with a wide range of activities
In Hungary, the Budapest Bike Maffia has been paying close attention over the years to the situation of women who are homeless.
Reden (‘The Nest’) is a shelter for women in substance abuse and prostitution located in the inner city of Copenhagen and established in 1984. When public life effectively closed down due to the pandemic, the shelter decided that extraordinary measures had to be taken to protect the most vulnerable women and substance abusers.
Community Health Workers is a pilot project aiming to improve access to primary health care for vulnerable groups in lower middle-income neighbourhoods in Belgium
The Interessengemeinschaft der 24-Stunden-Betreuer_innen (IG24) is a self-organised, non-partisan association which aims to represent the interests of migrant live-in caregivers in Austria.
In Essen, Germany, the municipal authorities have set as their long-term objective the connection of green spaces and waterways throughout the perimeter of the city.
The aim of this initiative is to support medical staff in Latvia during the Covid-19 crisis.
A group of black fathers in London have started their own podcast to challenge stereotypes and share their experiences of fatherhood.
If the health crisis revealed that nurses are among the most important employees in a hospital, they had until then little influence or say about hospital policies. This changed at the start of the pandemic.
Berufsvertretung Sexarbeit Österreich launched a campaign focusing on the precarious working conditions of sex workers in the context of the Covid19 crisis.
The “Not Alone” Programme is an integrated programme implemented by Save the Children in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which aims to tackle educational poverty, the divide in access to distance learning of schools, and the difficulties of fragile families in accessing basic necessities.