Dope Black Dads
A group of black fathers in London have started their own podcast to challenge stereotypes and share their experiences of fatherhood.
A group of black fathers in London have started their own podcast to challenge stereotypes and share their experiences of fatherhood.
If the health crisis revealed that nurses are among the most important employees in a hospital, they had until then little influence or say about hospital policies. This changed at the start of the pandemic.
Berufsvertretung Sexarbeit Österreich launched a campaign focusing on the precarious working conditions of sex workers in the context of the Covid19 crisis.
The “Not Alone” Programme is an integrated programme implemented by Save the Children in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which aims to tackle educational poverty, the divide in access to distance learning of schools, and the difficulties of fragile families in accessing basic necessities.
This UK initiative aims to bring the housing sector and refuges together to get survivors who are ready for move on right now into a safe home.
At the beginning of the pandemic, Inter-LGBT member organisations joined forces to help vulnerable LGBT+ communities during the crisis.
The initiative responds to the long-term precarious situation of single parents in the Czech Republic and the fact they have been hit especially hard by the pandemic, finding themselves in an extremely vulnerable position and at risk of economic and social exclusion.
In Hungary, WeAreOpen partnered with non-profits to produce a report on the impact of the pandemic on minorities in the workplace.
During the period of Covid-19 induced restrictions, the Latvian NGO Papardes Zieds offered video and online lessons for young people about sexual and…
In Ireland, the Still Here campaign brought together the Department of Justice, NGOs, and private actors to inform victims of domestic violence of the support available during the Covid crisis.
The initiative puts forward partying as a form of resistance for the queer community in Turkey and organizes parties and special events to provide alternative ways of entertainment and create solidarity opportunities.
In Spain, the campaign “Yo no las dejo solas” called for crowdfunding to provide financial support to domestic workers who had lost their jobs in the Basque…