- “Right(s) now!”: RESISTIRÉ releases a game to protect older people’s rights
- Advisory board
- Better Stories
- Better Stories
- Better Stories of Creative Crisis Response: conference participants
- Call for pilot projects
- Call for pilot projects: A Toolbox to engage ALL parents and guardians in dialogue
- Call for pilot projects: Care Fair
- Call for Pilot projects: Caring Workspaces
- Call for Pilot projects: Employers Who Care
- Call for pilot projects: Engaging with Gender-based violence Through Sports
- Call for Pilot projects: Green Spaces as an ‘Ecosystem of Care’
- Call for pilot projects: We Will Survive Secondary Trauma
- Call for pilot projects FAQ
- Consortium
- Contact us
- Future Research Agendas
- How do you think Better is Possible?
- Initial survey data visualisation
- Insights per country
- Better Stories in Austria
- Better Stories in Belgium
- Better Stories in Bulgaria
- Better Stories in Croatia
- Better Stories in Cyprus
- Better Stories in Czechia
- Better Stories in Denmark
- Better Stories in Estonia
- Better Stories in Finland
- Better Stories in France
- Better Stories in Germany
- Better Stories in Greece
- Better Stories in Hungary
- Better Stories in Iceland
- Better Stories in Ireland
- Better Stories in Italy
- Better Stories in Latvia
- Better Stories in Lithuania
- Better Stories in Luxembourg
- Better Stories in Malta
- Better Stories in Poland
- Better Stories in Portugal
- Better Stories in Romania
- Better Stories in Serbia
- Better Stories in Slovakia
- Better Stories in Slovenia
- Better Stories in Spain
- Better Stories in Sweden
- Better Stories in the Netherlands
- Better Stories in the UK
- Better Stories in Turkey
- Keep in touch
- Legal notices
- Media kit
- Open Studio 1: Improving support for healthcare workers
- Open Studio 1: Post-pandemic Innovations to Counter Gender-based Violence
- Open Studio 2: Solutions for inclusive telework
- Open Studio 2: Young People in Education During and Beyond the Pandemic
- Open Studio 3: Solutions for inclusive access to green commons
- Open Studio 3: Solutions for Teachers in a Post-pandemic World
- Open Studio 4: Gender-based Digital Violence and Digital Activism
- Open Studio 4: Transforming masculinity roles
- Open Studios
- Podcasts
- Privacy policy
- Project insights
- Project News
- Project news
- Publications
- Recommendations
- Factsheet 1: Pandemic and Gender Mainstreaming
- Factsheet 2: Women representation, diversity and inclusion in decision-making
- Factsheet 3: Gender equality in the healthcare sector
- Factsheet 4: Promoting Green Spaces and Mitigating Gentrification
- Factsheet 5: Care and crisis
- Factsheet 6: Reinforcing EU level action to combat Gender-Based Violence through the Istanbul Convention
- Factsheet 7: Improving national responses to gender-based violence
- Factsheet 8: Telework as a Double-edged Sword
- Reducing gendered inequalities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
- Related projects
- RESISTIRE Final Event
- RESISTIRÉ online survey
- RESISTIRÉ’s pilot projects
- Allied Employers: SOS Racismo Gipuzkoa (Spain)
- ALTIS: Engaging with Gender-based violence Through Sports
- ATINA: Engaging with Gender-based violence Through Sports
- Care Fair: a school-based wellbeing event
- Creating Caring Workspaces: Postane and Hafıza Merkezi (Turkey)
- Exhale: Moving through secondary trauma together
- Inclusive schools: engaging parents of vulnerable youth
- Parc de l’Espanya Industrial: aquí (Spain)
- RESISTIRÉ’s Final Conference gallery
- Sitemap
- Taking part in the RESISTIRÉ study: FAQ
- The project
- Triester Neighbourhood: Transition Graz (Austria)
Posts by category
- Category: Better Stories
- Deep Poverty Network’s impactful journey
- Shaping the world of elderly residents
- Relay houses and nurseries open for caregivers
- Providing help during crisis: From COVID to war
- Supporting children in challenging times
- A pioneering advocate of responsible consumption
- From balcony numbers to active associations
- COVID-19 and HIV: Sens Pozitiv Association’s response and advocacy
- A student-led compassion
- Guiding vulnerable individuals from adversity to empowerment
- Ketu Care’s food delivery initiative in response to crisis
- Providing support to the transgender community during COVID-19
- A night shelter for homeless women
- The transformative power of collective action and compassion
- A framework for family’s carers during the pandemic
- The Impact of INCLUSIVE SPACES on LGBTQI Rights
- Transforming Lives and Homes
- Bridging the Age Gap and Fostering Lifelong Learning
- A Danish nationwide network of volunteer helpers
- A mobile café to support peripheral areas
- Offering psychological support to children affected by the COVID Crisis
- A guide to manage COVID-19 risks for people with disabilities
- COVID accommodation for homeless people
- Long live the girls! Providing support for homeless women
- The Invisible First Line – A campaign to tell the stories of those who help
- An app and second-hand smartphones to help women exposed to violence
- Susma Bitsin (Speak Up To End) Platform
- Maru the Chatbot
- Ending gender-based violence in the EU
- #ThankYouForTheFlowers, a campaign to raise awareness of the unequal burden borne by women during the pandemic
- A campaign against digital violence
- An Equity Audit to measure the impact of the pandemic on young people
- Digital kit on human rights and ethics in teaching
- ‘Remote School’ programme
- A support system for teachers (the SYPO project)
- ’TV teacher’, interactive school classes broadcast on TV
- Addressing the impact of remote learning on vulnerable groups
- Bringing Internet to rural areas
- Psychological support line for the academic community
- Studying at a distance for Roma youths
- Supporting youth, parents and teachers’ mental health
- Increased support for gender-based violence survivors in Latvia
- Supporting gender-based violence survivors in Lesvos Island
- Pandemic Map of Turkish Municipalities
- Operation Faoiseamh – protecting survivors of domestic abuse
- Paris as a 15-minute city
- Engaging Dads and Supporting Families
- Supporting women in Poland through the ‘Success is ME’ programme
- ‘New Ways to the Water’: bringing nature closer to home
- Crowdfunding to support medical staff in Latvia
- Dope Black Dads
- How the pandemic led to more nursing influence on policy in the Netherlands
- Supporting children during the COVID19 crisis: the “Not Alone” Programme in Italy
- A partnership to provide safe homes during the pandemic
- A support network for the LGBT+ community in France
- Crowdfunding to support single parents in Czech Republic
- Alleviating the impacts of the pandemic on Hungarian minorities
- Educating the youth on sexual health as a way to prevent GBV. Inspiring initiative in Latvia
- A nation-wide campaign to reassure victims of domestic violence that support services are “Still Here”
- Queerwaves helps queer night workers in Turkey dealing with economic difficulties due to the pandemic
- Yo no las dejo solas: a fundraising to help domestic workers during COVID-19
- Equal = equal: a digital hackathon to collect ideas for gender equality in Germany
- Information resources for Traveller women experiencing domestic violence
- Guidelines for social workers working with women and children victims of gender-based violence during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Category: Decision-making and politics
- Category: Economy
- Category: Education
- Category: Environment
- Category: Gender care gap
- Category: Gender pay and pension gap
- Category: Gender stereotypes
- Category: Gender-based violence
- Category: Human and fundamental rights
- Category: Work and labour market
- Category: Better Stories
- Safe living space for LGBTI youth
- Addressing food insecurity during crisis
- Empowering women’s shelters through navigating digital challenges
- Transat’s impact during lockdown
- Nappi Naapuri’s initiative: A platform addressing needs during crisis
- A collaborative efforts to prevent domestic violence in Estonia
- Breaking social isolation in the wake of COVID-19
- A successful initiative of flexible treatment for substance abusers
- Protecting and assisting victims of gender-based violence
- Category: Austria
- Category: Belgium
- Free social helpdesk to redirect vulnerable populations during crisis
- Temporary accommodation for victims of domestic violence
- Community Health Workers: improving access to primary healthcare for vulnerable groups in Belgium
- A national collective agreement to outline telework arrangements during the pandemic in Belgium
- Category: Bulgaria
- Category: Czechia
- Category: Denmark
- Category: Finland
- Category: France
- Category: Germany
- Category: Greece
- Category: Hungary
- Category: Iceland
- Category: Ireland
- Category: Italy
- Category: Latvia
- Category: Luxembourg
- Category: Netherlands
- Category: Poland
- Category: Portugal
- Category: Romania
- Category: Serbia
- Category: Spain
- Category: Sweden
- Category: Turkey
- Category: UK
- Category: Estonia
- Category: France
- Category: Podcasts
- Category: Project news
- How has the pandemic impacted you? New RESISTIRÉ mobile survey
- Tackling gender inequality through national recovery plans: ambition without concrete solutions
- Research Agendas from Cycle 1: identifying knowledge gaps and future research needs
- Introducing the first cycle of Open Studios
- New RESISTIRÉ mobile app measuring inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Qualitative research on COVID-19 and its policy responses: Six findings from the first cycle
- Quantitative indicators of inequalities caused by COVID-19 policies at national and regional levels
- National COVID-19 policies lack gender mainstreaming
- Category: Blog
- Crisis as a continuum: Lessons from RESISTIRÉ’s Policy Recommendations
- Reimagining the Open Studio methodology through Open Studios
- Krizlerle Yaratıcı Mücadelenin Daha İyi Hikayeleri: RESISTIRÉ BULGULARI
- Better Stories of Creative Crisis Response: RESISTIRÉ’s conference on 22 September
- “Right(s) now!”: RESISTIRÉ releases a game to protect older people’s rights
- WEBINAR: Lessons from the pandemic for future research on health inequalities – The importance of an intersectional lens
- RESISTIRÉ to participate in the Promoting Pandemic Preparedness conference
- RESISTIRÉ’s Final Conference: looking back on the 1.5 day event
- Introducing RESISTIRÉ’s Book of Narratives: (BETTER) STORIES FROM THE PANDEMIC
- RESISTIRÉ’s participation at the HERoS Final Conference
- New Commission Expert Group report: COVID-19 impact on gender equality in R&I
- Green spaces as ‘Ecosystems of Care’: Looking back on two pilot projects
- Learnings from civil society organisations during the pandemic
- Better is Possible: RESISTIRÉ holds its final set of Open Studios
- RESISTIRÉ project meeting: Defining next steps
- Better stories for a gender equal and fairer social recovery from outbreaks: learnings from the RESISTIRÉ project
- Webinar: how to build more resilient education environments
- Webinar on Creating Safe Digital Spaces
- Gender inequalities in pandemic and post-pandemic: lessons learned for inclusive crisis management
- Reducing the gendered impact of outbreak policies: 6 new factsheets
- Research Agendas – Cycle 2: identifying knowledge gaps and future research needs
- RESISTIRÉ’s new call for pilot projects is now open
- Building back better? Identifying enablers and obstacles towards a post-COVID recovery
- Measuring and monitoring the impacts of COVID-19 on inequalities: results from the second cycle
- Podcast: Women’s representation, diversity and inclusion in decision-making
- Podcast: Gender Mainstreaming
- Expert Group on the COVID-19 impact on gender equality in Research and Innovation
- Responding to gender-based violence at a national level: learnings from civil society
- Podcast: Introducing Better Stories
- Rapid Assessment Surveys in the COVID-19 Pandemic: What makes a study promising from a gender+ perspective?
- Working towards an ethical recovery. Interview with Sofia Strid
- Why gender matters when studying inequalities caused by COVID-19
- RESISTIRÉ investigates inequalities stemming from COVID-19 policies in 31 European countries
- Category: Country narrative
- Category: Events
- Webinar: Intersectionality and Healthcare
- SAVE THE DATE: RESISTIRÉ’s Final Conference
- Event: Gender-based violence in the world of work
- Event: The future of work and hybrid workplaces in the post pandemic world
- Webinar: Research Agenda on Gender-Based Violence in Times of Crisis
- RESISTIRÉ workshops on recommendations and research agenda
- Webinar #2: Care and Crisis – Fostering a Paradigm Shift
- RESISTIRÉ’s Open Studios: Better is Possible
- RESISTIRÉ’S BRUNCH SERIES: Webinar #1 on gender-based violence
- Inequalities in the Spotlight: Research Agendas to Address the Impact of COVID-19
- Better is possible. RESISTIRÉ holds its first Open Studios to co-create solutions to gendered inequalities
- RESISTIRÉ holds a series of workshops with national experts of inequality
- Launch of RESISTIRÉ, an European project tackling gendered inequalities exacerbated by COVID-19 policies
- Category: News
- Category: Recommendations
- Category: Human and fundamental rights